AmigaActive (872/1728)

From:Alan Buxey
Date:19 Jun 2001 at 10:44:14
Subject:Re: Check these comic strips out


> Handy hint: if you want to hide your Amiganess, which is justifiable at times,
> get one of the utils from Aminet which pops up a full screen ANSI coloured
> shell. Set an intro text and prompt to something suitable, e.g. "AIX 8.44 (C)
> IBM 1997" & "$./ >" and all those half-idiots[1] will leave you alone. This
> has been tried and worked.

8-) using any kind of 'super geek' terminal entry code will work...until
that is they go, "ah wow! lets check your machine specs out" and then
tries doing 'grep "$" < `cat /proc/cpuinfo; free -b ; uname -a` etc etc

..unless you've got GG2 which case you can get away with
some of it.

....of course, they'll still get VERY impressed when the GUI can pop up in
less than 3 seconds of disk activity 8-)


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