AmigaActive (820/1728)

From:Sam Thomas
Date:16 Jun 2001 at 22:09:34
Subject:Re: SecondSpin

Hello Simon

On 16-Jun-01, you wrote:

> I used this three days ago, and I found that I had to go online first and
> then start up SecondSpin. Pop in the cd, and off it went to find the id's.

> Maybe try it that way?

Thats how I use it anyway. I'm online at the moment and it refuses to get
the CDID's down - I assume that from what you said it still works fine for
you then? (which would indicate some software setup problem)

> Prolly not help much, I know :/

At least I know (well I think) it works fine for you! (I will try the last
MCDPlayer and see if that connects to the database ok)

> ttfn,
> Simon


Sam 'Stom' Thomas

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