AmigaActive (797/1728)

From:Nuno Berneaud
Date:15 Jun 2001 at 22:05:22
Subject:Re: Blizzard SCSI

Hello Oliver

On 14-Jun-01, you wrote:

>OR> No matter what I try I keep getting those annoying SCSI problems: "Phase
>OR> Mismatch","Very Serious Problem","Serial",etc...
>OR> This only happens with some CD's.
>OR> This is my DOSDriver:
>OR> /************************************************************************
>OR> /
>OR> /* AsimCDFS v3 MountList entry -- �1993-1997 Asimware Innovations Inc.
>OR> */
>OR> /************************************************************************
>OR> /
>OR> Device = blizzppc.device
>OR> Unit = 3
>OR> Mount = 1
>OR> Buffers = 200
>OR> BufMemType = 5
>OR> Mask = 0xffffffe
>OR> Flags = 0
>OR> FileSystem = l:AsimCDFS
>OR [...]
>OR> Is there anything wrong with it?
>OR It might be an incompatibility between your CD drive and AsimCDFS. I
>OR remember having similar problems with CacheCDFS (the author has since
>OR fixed the issue). Have you tried switching to AmiCDFS to see if that
>OR makes any difference?

I'll try that.
When I had my Blizzard030 the drive worked fine with AsimCDFS. Only when I
changed to my current Blizzard040/PPC this problem started.



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