AmigaActive (774/1728)

From:Paul Hill
Date:14 Jun 2001 at 22:04:03
Subject:Re: Java (was Re: C++ on Amigas)

On 14-Jun-01 15:23:29, Richard Wheeldon wrote:
>Glyn Astill wrote:
>> Dont forget Java, will we ever have a JavaVM ?

>The JVM isn't the problem. A good programmer could
>knock one up by using kaffe or whatever as a base
>inside of 6 months. Coding the system-specific
>(native) parts of the huge class library represents
>several man years of effort, and is unlikely to happen,

Is the system specific stuff really that complex? Apart from the GUI stuff
surely most of the Amiga code would be identical to the Unix code?

(you could always run an Amiga Xwindows client).


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