AmigaActive (639/1728)

From:Robert Cranley
Date:13 Jun 2001 at 01:18:10
Subject:Re: A1200 into ATX tower - anyone help?

Hi Elizabeth,

On 12-Jun-01, you wrote:

> Already have tower - ATX A23 - it`s about 2 feet high with 5 x 5.50 inch
> and 2 x 3.25 bays at top.
> We accept there will be some modifications required, blood god already
> fed! Does anyone know of any sites/info from Aminet, previous mags with
> information regarding towering. Failing that any bald headed 3-fingered
> Amiga-in-a-tower user, who could give instructions/assistance/advice?:-)

Well, feel free to mail me privately at to talk
towers, as I've converted an AT case for my A1200. I'll help you with
whatever I can/whatever you need. I did find some useful stuff on AmiNet in
hard/hacks but it generally referred to a specific machine/card/tower
compination, so download a load of them and take whatever you can from each.
I think I have some of those archives still here too, mail me privately if
you want me to forward them to you.

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Hehe... Only just noticed that :)


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