AmigaActive (526/1728)

From:Sam Thomas
Date:11 Jun 2001 at 01:11:00
Subject:Re: Sam Thomas & NTLWorld

Hello David

On 10-Jun-01, you wrote:

> What's wrong with NTLWorld? For some days now I'm getting all the
> messages from Sam with some "Received:" header broken in such a
> way that only some headers are recognised properly and all the
> rest appear in the BODY part of the mail.

ROTFL! I thought you were saying whats wrong with me for a second! :-O

ermm.. sorry, cant possibly comment on why my mails are going screwy for
you. I have not had any problems sending or getting emails at all though -
hmm.. I did upgrade to YAM2.3 though on Friday night I think, wonder if its

Anyone else getting my emails as garbage? (no, I mean unreadable ;-) )

Wasnt it the other week I managed to cause someones YAM to crash everytime
they read a mail sent from me? I must have got the lurgie or summat! :-/


Sam 'Stom' Thomas


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