AmigaActive (506/1728)

From:Alex Paton
Date:10 Jun 2001 at 19:15:01
Subject:Re: endlessly validating disk issue

Hi Kevin,

> 3) after retrieving the files I needed, I just completely reformatted the partition and rebuilt the stuff on there,
> Finally, most importantly, I learned the hard way, DO A BACKUP! :) If I had had a backup, I could have just reformatted and just dumped the backup on the partition and would have been good to go. As I work partially in Tech Support, this meant only my own hypocrisy came home to roost (one of time-honored ways to get off the phone in TS, usually after enduring a verbal barrage, is when a customer loses all their files or many of them and has no backup, you have to empathize but that's usually 'it' for their situation).
> Thankfully the Amiga gives us a lot of little tricks like this to avoid disaster like that. I'm sure that at least some of those tricks exist on the PC but I'm glad I never had to use them. :)
> Thanks for everyone's help! :)

As a footnote to all this, get yourself PFS3. I had heaps of trouble
with FFS but since I have had PFS3 all HD validation troubles are a
thing of the past.

see Ya


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