AmigaActive (503/1728)

From:Lewis Brunton
Date:10 Jun 2001 at 17:44:32
Subject:Re: CDARRGGhhhhhhhhhh-W

Hello Sam

On 10-Jun-01, you wrote:

> It's a IDE Teac CD-W-512EK (12x10x32) and again, once I got home I found
> out that it has a Sanyo mechanism controlling it (same as the LiteOn from
> yesterday)
> All I want is confirmation that the IDE version of the Plextor reviewed in
> issue15 will work with the system! :-/

Well I have recently bought a TEAC CDRW as you may have read. It's a
CD-W-54EK (4x4x32) with an IDE interface and it worked fine out of the box
with MakeCD and the CDR_SCSI3_Atapi driver. I had to fiddle a bit with the buffer
settings as the drive is not burnproof, but it's a good drive.

I know this doesn't help with your predicament much but the main point of
the unnecessarily long mail is that as suggested by the authors of MakeCD,
most (read something like 95%) of new CDRW's (IDE or SCSI) will work fine with the the CDR_SCSI3_Atapi driver.

SO the moral of this story is it should work!



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