AmigaActive (484/1728)

From:James Luscombe
Date:10 Jun 2001 at 10:44:48
Subject:A SCSI problem


I've just added a scanner and tape drive to my CSPPC SCSI chain, but I'm
getting a small problem when the scanner is connected - none of the
partitions on my main hard drive show up on booting, but I can mount them
after booting (from my emergency IDE boot drive). They will then work fine,
as will the scanner - until I reboot any way.

With the scanner replaced by an active terminator everything works as it
should....(except the scanner, obviously ;-)

The chain is set up as below:

Tape drive---SCSI3 HD---SCSI3 HD---CSPPC---CDRW---Scanner

The tape drive is internally active terminated, the scanner is connected via a
68-68 pin internal-external adaptor with a 68-50MD external cable connecting
to the scanner, the other SCSI port on the scanner has a 25-pin active SCSI
terminator attached.


James Luscombe Amiga 3000T, CS 060/50, Picasso IV Amiga 1200, 040/40

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