AmigaActive (452/1728)

Date:9 Jun 2001 at 14:43:04
Subject:Yam 2.3

Alab Hwai Klen,

Just thought I would let you know that Yam2.3 is now availible from

Dont miss next weeks exciting e-mail

Forget the Klingons off the starboard bow,
the efing BORG are behind us.

How to be an evil overlord
134 If I am escaping in a large truck and the hero is pursuing me in a small
Italian sports car, I will not wait for the hero to pull up along side of
me and try to force him off the road as he attempts to climb aboard.
Instead I will slam on the brakes when he's directly behind me.
(A rudimentary knowledge of physics can prove quite useful.)
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