AmigaActive (420/1728)

Date:8 Jun 2001 at 14:03:27
Subject:Re: Help needed.....

On Thursday June 07 2001, Jon Sawyer said to All:

JS> I run an Amiga 1200 Apollo 68060 32meg / Ateobus + Pixel 64 graphics
JS> / OpusMagellan II. A while ago I had a major crash after a re-install
JS> of OS 3.5 and nothing would happen (Possibly caused by installing over

JS> though. The '060 library is in place in Libs and all the other
JS> libraries seem to be there.

I'm pretty sure the Apollo 060 needs a specific 68060.library which you can
get off the disk which came with it. You might also need the older OS3.1

Neil Williams, ICQ UINs: 18223711 & 116110052, 2:442/107

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