AmigaActive (260/1728)

Date:5 Jun 2001 at 22:16:18

i mean i cant find any info on the card, i can find loads on older cards and
all i get is that they are slower than base level geforce 2 cards....
where can i find any information on the g550 or any other card that they are
releasing ?
plus all you need do with speed is test them, install drivers etc... its
easy... same machine, something that i like to do actually ... i believe
the geforce 3 is the fastest card avaiable.... its faster than fast... just
read the reviews...

> >anything on about this g550 or the new cards that are meant to be coming
> >out... any ideas ?
> If you can't find anything on the G550 cards, how do you KNOW the nVidia
> card is faster?
> Do a side by side comparison, then tell us which is faster. Otherwise, you
> are believing the white paper hype.

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