AmigaActive (228/1728)

From:Don Cox
Date:5 Jun 2001 at 12:54:12
Subject:Re: amigaone

On 05-Jun-01, Alan Buxey wrote:

> ideally all of the OS would still be on chip with the Amiga. things
> evolve though.

But Flash ROMs get bigger too.

If bloat is avoided, it ought to be possible to get as far as a
Workbench screen without disk icons in a few seconds. Then the hard
drive icons can appear as the drives spin up.

If a simple text editor or word processor was built into Flash ROM, you
could start typing within 8 seconds, which is the timing to aim at.
(Transwrite is 200k).

If you had 4 or 5 Megs of Flash, even a web browser could live there and
be ready for instant use. (The main program is less than 1 Meg but you
need fonts, MUI or equivalent, TCP stack, etc).

Of course this assumes a web browser which is stable and bug free. ;-)


Don Cox

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