AmigaActive (173/1728)

Date:4 Jun 2001 at 17:04:49
Subject:Ambermoon Patch Exclusive for AmigActive?


Replacement files which fixe most (all?) of the bugs in the English
version (v1.07) of Ambermoon is being tested as we speak.

Would AmigaActive be interested in exclusively having the update on
the AmigActive CD? (Well exclusive for a month or so, then available
on the Thalion Webshrine).

The files are very small, a few hundred kbytes (less in a .Lha

As well as the replacement files, I also have the tools required to
do a complete translation (if you felt like one), I am told that
someone has already begun on an Italian translation. I will require
permission to release these, but if I can get permission, AmigActive
could publish these too.

There is no copyright problem with publishing the replacement files
describe above as the game was never officially published, copyright
for the translation remains with the authors, and I have perhaps the
only original copy.

The files will be (eventually) freely downloadable for everyone, I am
not going corporate or anything. But why not try and boost sales of
the last UK Amiga Magazine a little at the same time of making a cool
RPG all that more playable.


Alexander Holland
Webmaster of Thalion Webshrine

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