AmigaActive (1706/1728)

Date:30 Jun 2001 at 11:53:59
Subject:Re: Has anyone heard news of the new "Settlers"?

Hello Matt.


> > Hay Matt Leave the poor kid alone..
> Why? If he wants to act like a child, he deserves to be treated like
> one.

Sounds like you dont have any respect for anyone elses thoughts, but
your own.

> > Even a G4 Mac is only just usable.
> Like you'd know.

Well YES I do know.

I work for Sheffield Newspapers. We have around 30/40 G4 Macs.
Running Quark, Illustrator, Photoshop, Propertynet and shit loads of
other stuff. All are networked, and almost every day at least one
packs in, and has to have the attention of the Tech heads. An 060
A1200 does standard Desktop tasks just as fast as a G4. if not faster.
Im lucky as i have a PPC603e+ with an 060. And its far better than a
G4 in my opinion. and thats without a Bvision GFX card.

But thats enough of the PC bashing, my point was not about PC v Amiga.
it was about you thinking that you could get away with bad mouthing
other users.
I dont know this Kid, and i dont know you. So i have no +- towards any
of you. But the lad dose have the right to speek, just like you do.

So be good. :-)

And as for the shit spelling..
I leave that to the Proof Readers at work to Spot..
And as im not at work then who cares.


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