AmigaActive (1694/1728)

From:Jonathan Day
Date:30 Jun 2001 at 13:30:53
Subject:Re: Has anyone heard news of the new "Settlers"?

Hi Nick

> The Amiga will always have the advantage that it was designed correctly
> the start. It will eventually get all the expansion cards and fast
> processors but will take longer because of the rate of developement. The
> only reason why PC's are so dominant is because there is no other choice
> for your average, non computer litterate, person.

Nope. The only reason why PCs are so dominant is cos of marketing. Years and
years of it brainwashing everybody.

> If there was an Amiga system straight out of the box with all the stuff we
> are now using, and it was on the shelves of shops around the country, then
> you would have no problem getting everyone back to the Amiga.

Even if was on the shelves I doubt it would be a big seller, it would need
marketing aggressively, but even so it would still take a long time for the
marketing to sink in.

> AmigaOne system ready to use = world domination.

Only if people know about it, appreciate what it would mean for them, and
only then if there was any software to use on it. IMO, Amiga needs to start
off small, try to move into a few key market sectors - the music side for
example, and hopefully graphics too, and then try to use this as leverage
into main stream. This way they can concentrate resources and achieve
something rather than spreading themselves too thinly and getting no-where.


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