AmigaActive (1687/1728)

From:Matt Sealey
Date:30 Jun 2001 at 13:18:49
Subject:Re: Has anyone heard news of the new "Settlers"?

Hello Wombat

On 30-Jun-01, you wrote:

>>> I bought the original settlers way back.
>>> I heard that there was going to be a new release, but that is all.
>>> I see the PeeCee (Yuck) has Version 4 out now.
>> And the point of this post was?
> if you read it you'd get it.

If he's put the question in the body text rather than the subject,
it would have been more obvious. I did read it, and did get it..

>> BlueByte said that the Amiga can go f**k itself regarding a new
>> version of Settlers (I think everyone whined for Settlers 2.. damn
>> that was a long time ago..)
> Well it was a good game for its time.
> as for the bad langwage. its there loss.


It's not their loss at all - in fact an Amiga version would be their loss,
both in terms of time and money.

>> As for the PeeCee (Yuck) - do you always have to be so immature?
>> What's wrong with a) using less letters and b) not sounding like
>> a 5 year old? There's no-one here to impress with it.
> Hay Matt Leave the poor kid alone..

Why? If he wants to act like a child, he deserves to be treated like

> He has a point. PCs are a bag of shite. everyone thinks so.

No, YOU think so because you don't know better.

> Just look how jerky the mouse is. after all this time the amiga can
> still out do the best PCs on such simple thing like that.

There is an entirely good reason for that, and an entirely good
solution: don't use serial mice. Use USB mice, which are smooth as
you like.

> Even a G4 Mac is only just usable.

Like you'd know.

> So chill and have a bud.. :-)

Why would I want to drink that pisswater? Guinness, or a pint
of lukewarm bitter for me, thanks ;)

> after all they are only toys.

Or tools for doing work on. Which they do well. If you can't
use them, and decide that you must constantly chide them for
it, then that's your problem. But I don't want to hear it on this
list - I'd rather we were a bunch of civilised adults than "pee
pee poo poo my computer iz bettah van yoo" whingey kiddies.


Matt Sealey <>

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