AmigaActive (1301/1728)

Date:25 Jun 2001 at 13:26:01
Subject:Re: Digest Number 1749


Use Samba from, which also has a step-by-step
guide to using Samba with Miami. I followed this and find that everything
works as it should.
The only thing I have not found out how to do is print from the pc to a
printer set up on my Amiga. I can print to file, and then copy the file to
par:, which does it OK. This may be a similar problem to finding ser: on
the Amiga for the modem connection. Samba was written for Unix, so anyone
fluent in Unix might be able to help us.


At 19:06 24/06/01 -0000, "Carl Jermy" wrote:
> From: <>
>Subject: PowerLAN queries
>I have linked up my Amiga and Windows 98 PC together via Ethernet. On the
>Amiga side, I am using PowerLAN which includes AmigaTCP. I've managed to
>install it all okay, except that on the PC, the Amiga doesn't show up in
>Network Neighborhood. I also want to use the PCs Internet connection on the
>Amiga but I can't find anything in the docs. Any help would be greatly
>appreciated, including help getting Miami set-up for LAN instead of AmiTCP.

*** Dr David Fulford, Energy Group, Department of Engineering ***
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