AmigaActive (1267/1728)

From:Jonathan Day
Date:24 Jun 2001 at 23:56:24
Subject:Re: subscriber complains

Hi Steve

> `My other half` says the mag is a lot of money and I am inclined to agree
> with her now. £5.95 for the dearest and thinest computer mag on the
> of WH Smith (yes, I have bought each and every one - subscription doesn`t
> offer a justifiable discount). I`ve had Amigas for ten years and don`t
> intend getting rid of them, but if the Amiga One doesn`t make good news in
> the next couple of months, its goodbye Amigactive magazine I`m afraid.

Does she not let you go down the pub either? £5.95 is only 3 less pints a
month. And if you did subscribe, it's even less than that. If the current
subs rate is not "justifiable" I doubt AA can ever offer you a discount you
would find attractive, AA simply does not sell in tens of thousands an issue

I'm perfectly happy paying my sub, and would continue to sub even if there
were no discount. It's worth buying AA for their informed opinions and for
the tutorials and reviews, and the sub saves me from having to trudge into


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