AmigaActive (1262/1728)

Date:24 Jun 2001 at 22:01:52
Subject:Re: I give in.. the CDRW wins

On Sunday June 24 2001, Sam Thomas said to All:

ST> Well ok, I hate to admit it but I am finally giving in - I will make do
ST> with the CDRW at PIO0 and have to like it. :-/

ST> Anyway, It took MakeCD about 13mins (guess) to copy my Linux CD which I
ST> thought was a bit slow - at the end of the burn it reported a burn
ST> speed of about 13.6x which going by what I know is actually pretty damn

Oh Dear, a mere 13.6x wot is faster than my Yamaha 8824S on my A4000T's SCSI
interface. How can you survive with such performance?

Tell you what, get yourself an SCSI interface and we'll swap CD-RW drives? :)

ST> It seemed to take even longer for the drive to burn a copy of my Work
ST> partiton though and this is only 78megs full - anyone got any ideas why
ST> it takes longer to burn that much rather than over 650 megs? :-/

I find that different types of data burn at different speeds (Mode2 is slower
than Mode1, big endian wav files longer than little endian, etc). This isn't a
problem with BURN proof, I imagine.

ST> Next, since I am using the demo version of MakeCD I am not sure what I
ST> can do. since I have only used 78megs on my Work backup I have some
ST> space left on the disk and obviously I would like to use this up (back
ST> my system partiton up if possible) how can I do this and access the
ST> info on CD afterwards?

Multisession discs, check the MakeCD manual and test with a CD-RW disc first.

Neil Williams, ICQ UINs: 18223711 & 116110052, 2:442/107

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