AmigaActive (1260/1728)

Date:24 Jun 2001 at 21:56:58
Subject:Re: PPC Viewer ?

On Sunday June 24 2001, Kevin Twyman said to Matt Bloomfield:

>>>> ShowPPC works just fine under WarpUP with ppclibemu.
>>> Is it capable of scaling the picture?
>> Yes.
KT> I had a look at it, but it's CyberGFX only, and I'm running Picasso96
KT> here.

All CGX software should work under P96, although I do remember some early
phase5 software doing a specific anti-P96 check and failing if it was found.
Maybe that was ShowPPC. I don't know.

I still want to buy another CS-PPC 060. Anywhere in the world. An Aussie has
offered one and I offered £very-high back, but we'll have to see about
shipping costs..

Neil Williams, ICQ UINs: 18223711 & 116110052, 2:442/107

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