AmigaActive (1228/1728)

From:Jim Cadwallader
Date:24 Jun 2001 at 09:12:33
Subject:Aweb OS3.9 "sticks" on some in-page connections


I find AWeb OS3.9v "sticks" on some connections...

e.g. Went to Czech Amiga News. Look at recent show pics. 1 pic "sticks"
half-loaded & clogs up 1 connection. I "Stop" this from Network status &
Alt-click reload image fine (i.e. not bad img). Look at other info/pics ok.
Go to load, this connection itself "sticks". Apart from this
Aweb looks really nice & is responsive. IMO it's not the "DMA bandwidth"
problem, because as soon as I "unstick" a connection it flies, plus if only
1 connection is "stuck" the rest of a page loads quickly using the
remaining connection, until eventually both connections stick and
everything stops 'til they're cleared.

I run it 128 cols on Wb, and use latest RemApollo, FBlit, BlazeWCP,
CopyMemQuicker patches. I load the OS ROM Update modules, workbench.library
& icon.library directly with RemApollo as per docs. System OS3.9,BB1,32Mb
fast,Genesis TCP/IP,56k modem @ 57600, artser.device

No problems with IBrowse full, but looks ropier! I want to u/g either
AWeb/Voyager, the above p's me off and Voyager is too flaky. If noone knows
why this happens I'll mail Amitrix.

Kind regards
Jim Cad*

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