AmigaActive (1136/1728)

Date:22 Jun 2001 at 07:28:58
Subject:Re: Whinge,whinge!!!!

On Thursday June 21 2001, Sam Thomas said to Richard Friend:

ST> VNC worked great here and effectively turned my PC into a MP3 player -
ST> ran vnc and loaded the MP3 into the PC's Mediaplayer and used its CPU
ST> to play it all back :-) (Shame I killed the PC's IDE ports the other
ST> week! :-( )

There's a plug in for WinAMP which provides a telnet shell to play MP3s. There
is an Amiga GUI client on Aminet. With this method, you don't need to have a
graphics card on the PC, except for when you need to reinstall windows.

ST> I had the PC's 1024x768 24bit screen sent over the network to a window
ST> on my 1600x1200 Workbench - works great, albeit a bit slowly - got
ST> about 12fps at a guess

I used to get dismal VNC performance between Amigas and Win98 PCs, but good
between Amiga-Amiga or PC-PC. The problem turned out to be Win98. After
upgrading to Win2000, even the display speed on my AGA A1200 from the Win2k
box is acceptable.

Neil Williams, ICQ UINs: 18223711 & 116110052, 2:442/107

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