AmigaActive (1134/1728)

From:Dave Fisher
Date:22 Jun 2001 at 15:14:59
Subject:Re: What's going on?

Hi Gaz,

On 22-Jun-01, You Wrote About The Subject Re: [amigactive] Re: What's going on?,

> I looked at Nildram but unfortunately they don't seem
> to cater for home users, just businesses :(

I think they still will allow home users, but they prefer business users.

> Its bad enough with the BTinternet mail server,
> sometimes, although it seems to be quite good at the
> moment.

The BTinternet mail server IS the BTopenworld server. Infact the whole
BTinternet internal network is the same as the BTopenworld network, as
BTopenworld run BTinternet.

If you ask me, thats half the problem. They're signing up all these dialup
users, then when ADSL comes alone they sign up 10,000 of them, and suddenly
the network can't cope with the userbase. Still never mind, come the
renewals BTopenworld won't have any customers anyway :)

> What, I have to pay £150 to be retested? Surely not?

Yup, but see the ADSL thread from Neil for more on that.

> Anyone got any estimates on how long it'll take before
> the price of ADSL comes down?

Forget it, its going up. BTopenworld are putting the price up to

users as well as new customers so we can use it as a get out clause from the
12 month contract on the T&C's.

> P.S. Apologies for the crap formatting of this -
> BTinternet web-mail :)

At least its not that new ultra shite one they put online 3 times in the
last few months, only to take back down again 20 minutes later. That REALLY

Best Regards,
*Dave Fisher - Team AMIGA* - IRC/ICQ: [Vader]

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