AmigaActive (1079/1728)

From:Sam Thomas
Date:21 Jun 2001 at 23:48:58
Subject:Re: Whinge,whinge!!!!

Hello Richard

On 21-Jun-01, you wrote:

>> try VNC if you want to redirect gfx....marvellous program.
> How, where, how much? I want!

AmigActive Issue 7 (the one with Buzz Lightyear on the cover) has a nice
Feature on it and the cover CD contains the server and client versions of
the software available at the time.

VNC worked great here and effectively turned my PC into a MP3 player - ran
vnc and loaded the MP3 into the PC's Mediaplayer and used its CPU to play
it all back :-)
(Shame I killed the PC's IDE ports the other week! :-( )

I had the PC's 1024x768 24bit screen sent over the network to a window on my
1600x1200 Workbench - works great, albeit a bit slowly - got about 12fps at
a guess

URL's mentioned in the feature:

VVA Homepage:
VNC Information:
General VNC Problems:


Sam 'Stom' Thomas

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