AmigaActive (1070/1728)

From:Sam Thomas
Date:21 Jun 2001 at 21:45:13
Subject:Re: Zip drives

Hello Steven

On 21-Jun-01, you wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have an internal IDE Zip 100 drive in my tower, connected to channel one
> of my PowerFlyer Gold. I'm wondering, does it support any other mode other
> than PIO 0, as it defaults to that mode in the Flyer prefs and is
> impossible to change? Because of this I am having problems with my hard
> drive not being able to keep up with my CDRW drive (set to PIO 4 on
> channel 2), which is annoying to say the least.

Ouch! Ouch! ouch! Get the Zip100 out of there m8, especially if you have a
CDRW in the machine! The Zip is a nice drive (as far as storage goes) but

You have obviously noticed that since you have the IDEZIp100 on the Primary
Channel it is slowing the Hard disk down to PIO0 also - at the moment you
are running your Hard disk at about the same speed as it was on the
original Motherboard IDE interface! :-O

(I have removed my IDE Zip100 since buying a CDRW (still not got it working

> If there is no way around this problem, does the internal Zip 250 support
> faster modes? If that is the only way around it, I'll drop the 100 and buy
> a 250. :-)

Personally, if you REALLY need the Zip drive put it as a slave to the CDRW
on channel two. If possible, just get rid of the thing totally - you can
write to the CD's reasonably easily (just depends if you have a CDRW drive
where you are wanting to use or add information I guess.

> Hope someone knows a little more than me about this one!
> Steven Holmes

Basically the Zip is nice but too slow. I imagine that the Zip250 is just
the same also.


Sam 'Stom' Thomas

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