AmigaActive (105/1728)

From:Ray Tunstall
Date:3 Jun 2001 at 01:19:42
Subject:Re: O/S 3.9 what's good and what's not?

Hello Jim,

On 02-Jun-01, you wrote:

>JC Hello Ray
>JC On 02-Jun-01, you wrote:
>JC>> JC I don't mention use of WBCtrl utility with FBlit which is
>JC>> mentioned in JC FBlit docs, since OS3.9 FAQ says that WBCtrl
>JC>> functionality is now JC built in. I find that my system works
>JC>> without it.
>JC> Does the WBCtrl functionality include File Name Length, as that's the
>JC> only reason I have still been using WBCtrl ?
>JC I'd guess so since the FAQ says so, try commenting WBCtrl out or
>JC moving it temporarily, put it back if you have probs again...

But I can't find where to set file name length without WBCtrl. Anyone know
how to set file name length to 102 without WBCtrl ?



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