AmigaActive (1002/1728)

From:Glyn Astill
Date:20 Jun 2001 at 23:08:29
Subject:Whats going on?

From: Matt Sealey <>
> Did you ever think that us "whining Amiga owners"
> may be whining
> because we HAVE waited 5 years for our new Amiga,
> and we don't
> like what it's turned out to be or how much money
we're supposed
> to have to spend on it?

I agree entirely from now on I'm only gonna buy the
odd bit here and there for my miggy, it's fine for
people out there to spend money on there Amigas but I
feel that the money you pay for a top notch Amiga is
about the same as or even more than a brand spankin'
new iMAC, and then you have to fit it all together,
spend literaly weeks setting up the OS and whats the
result? A fuckin' makeshift computer. OK I agree that
to see Amiga inc as the top company in computing would
put a smile on my face, but at the moment we have to
carry a great load of the burden for the Amiga and all
of its developers. I wouldn't develop for the amiga
right now, well not untill I see Amiga inc do a bit of
work, what have we seen from them so far? OS3.9 is
just OS3.0 with a few tweeks here and there plus a
load of shareware proggies, hell Amiga inc probably
just sat a couple of uni students in front of a
computer over the summer.

Oh yeh, just think back to 1990 when like me you
probably bought your Amiga, why did you buy it? It was
good value for money and the best computer to have,
Eh? Totaly opposite to our situation now, the love is
still there but the *times have changed*, get ove it.

That will be all.
Please come again.



Glyn Astill

AMIGA1200 Mc68030/33Mhz 8Mb+2Mb

AMD Thunderbird 750Mhz 320Mb+32Mb

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