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MUI Format Sequences

   Whenever MUI prints strings, they may contain some special character
sequences defining format, color and style of the text.

   * '\n' Start a new line.  With this character you can e.g. create
     multi line buttons.

   * '\033-' Disable text engine, following chars will be printed
     without further parsing.

   * '\033u' Set the soft style to underline.

   * '\033b' Set the soft style to bold.

   * '\033i' Set the soft style to italic.

   * '\033n' Set the soft style back to normal.

   * '\033[n]' Use pen number n (2..9) as front pen.  n must be a valid
     DrawInfo pen as specified in "intuition/screens.h".

   * '\033c' Center current (and following) line(s).  This sequence is
     only valid at the beginning of a string or after a newline

   * '\033r' Right justify current (and following) line(s).  This
     sequence is only valid at the beginning of a string or after a
     newline character.

   * '\033l' Left justify current (and following) line(s).  This
     sequence is only valid at the beginning of a string or after a
     newline character.

   * '\033I[[s]]' Draw MUI image with specification [s] (see
     MUI Image Specifications).