Arexx Scripts

These scripts are designed to integrate Go Fetch with other applications, for example Aweb-II which allows you to automatically create profiles. Scripts for the other browsers such as Voyager and IBrowse as soon as they have decent AREXX ports.

If you have any AREXX scripts which integrate Go Fetch! into other software, please feel free to E-Mail me them and you'll receive a FREE keyfile for future versions of Go Fetch!

Please note that any submitted AREXX scripts will be distributed with future versions of Go Fetch!. Upon submitting the author gives their permission for Ian Chapman and Zeus Developments to distribute and modify the code. Any modifcations would be commented as so in the source. The original author will have full credits in the source.

The Script(s)


This script has only been tested on Aweb-II version 3.0 and therefore I cannot guarantee it's compatibility with different versions. The installation procedure may differ depending on your version of Aweb.

There are two ways in which you can use the script within Aweb. For maximum flexibility you probably want to use both.

Use: Method 1
Installation in Aweb (via the AREXX Menu).

Method 1 uses the AREXX script in the AREXX menu of Aweb. This allows you to mark text (as if you were doing a copy & paste) and selecting the AREXX script from the menu, it will automatically create a new profile.

  1. Open Settings Menu
  2. Choose GUI Settings
  3. Select the AREXX tab.
  4. Press ADD and fill in the following fields.
    Title = Send to Go Fetch!
    Macro = AWEBSEL

Use: Method 2
Installation in Aweb (via PopUp Menus)

Method 2 uses the AREXX script in a popup menu. This allows you to press the right mouse button over a link and send the link to Go Fetch! and a profile will be created for you.

  1. Open Settings Menu
  2. Choose GUI Settings
  3. Select PopUp TAB
  4. Press ADD and fill in the following fields
    Type = Link Popup Menu
    Title = Send to Go Fetch!
    Command = RUN %u

Use from the command line

rx browser.rexx URL TO PATH

URL is the site you want to create a profile for
TO (optional) An Alternative download directory, otherwise the default is used.
PATH (optional) The location of the GoFetch! executable if you want to automatically start Go Fetch! and Go.


rx browser.rexx URL
rx browser.rexx URL
rx browser.rexx URL TO work:
rx browser.rexx URL TO work: PATH Work:comms/GoFetch!/GoFetch!

If Go Fetch! is not running then it will attempt to execute it, providing you have specified its location on the command line. The script will then remember the Go Fetch! location.

Return Codes
Browser.rexx returns the following values.

0 = Success
1 = Go Fetch! is not running and could not be started
2 = Go Fetch! is not running and couldn't be located.
3 = Go Fetch! is not running and the user chose not to start it.
4 = Unsupported Protocol (Eg trying to use HTTP/FILE/GOPHER etc)
5 = Invalid URL

-ve = Add Profile return value
-4 = Wrong number of parameters passed to Go Fetch!
-3 = Parameter of wrong type passed to Go Fetch! &

These scripts are designed to automatically start and stop GO Fetch! when you go online. If the AREXX script finds profiles contained within Go Fetch! it will tell Go Fetch! to GO, otherwise it will Quit Go Fetch!. When you go offline, the AREXX scripts tells Go Fetch! to Stop and Quit.

Miami Deluxe (DX) Installation

  1. Choose Interfaces.
  2. Highlight the interface you want to use Go Fetch! with when you go online.
  3. Press Edit
  4. Press Events
  5. Change "Active Offline" to the location of the script
  6. Change the script type to AREXX
  7. Repeat this for "Passive Offline"
  8. Change "Online" to the location of the script, followed by the location of your Go Fetch! executable.
  9. Change the script type to AREXX
  10. Press OK and Save your settings.

Miami Installation

  1. Choose Events
  2. Change "Active Offline" to the location of the script
  3. Change the script type to AREXX
  4. Repeat this for "Passive Offline"
  5. Change "Online" to the location of the script, followed by the location of your Go Fetch! executanle
  6. Change the script type to AREXX
  7. Save your settings.


by Mike King

This script allows you to convert an AmFTP batch file into a series of profiles for Go Fetch!. Please see the AREXX script for information on its use.