Overriding default settings

 Many of the following features override the encoder's idea of best-quality settings. You should be aware that overriding the encoder default settings is something for experts. You might wreack the encoding quality in a number of ways without first noticing it. Also, the encoder is not guaranteed to run at all parameter combinations. Proceed at your own risk!

Tells the encoder to use full bandwidth. By default, the encoder uses a 16kHz bandwidth up to 64kbps per channel, and full bandwidth at higher bitrates. Increasing the bandwidth from the default setting might produces ringing artefacts at low bitrates. Use with care!
Uses the original ISO psycho-acoustic model instead of GPsycho. Used with -m s, it will produce the same output as the ISO code or the encoders based on it, like 8Hz, Blade or Lame 2.x
It will reduce a lot the quality and should only be used for comparison tests.

Tids & bits

This switch tells the encoder to autoconvert a stereo input signal into one channel, producing mono output. The downmix is calculated as the sum of the left and right channel, attenuated by 6 dB.
This switch forces the encoder to use the "extra fast" encoding mode. It will reduce a lot the quality of the output. This might be useful for real-time processing or streaming on slowest computers.