Basic Help

Shortcut Keys

These shortcuts assume you have the dialog selected and only apply for it

CTRL+Click - This selects or deselects controls, much the same way it works in the Windows evironment when selecting icons, listbox items, etc.

Shift+Drag - When dragging selected controls, you can press down the Shift key to perform a "soft-toggle" of the grid-snapping feature. If Grid-snapping is enabled, pressing Shift will disable it while Shift is held down. If Grid-Snapping is disabled, pressing Shift will enable it while Shift is held down. This allows you to perform quick adjustments.

ALT+Drag - When you attempt to select controls with the selection marquee, if you need to select controls within other controls (such as a box or tab control) you can hold down ALT so that the container control is not selected in the process.

E - Puts the caption of the selected control in edit mode and automatically focuses the editbox.

G - Toggles the grid on and off.

F - Switches between Tahoma and MS Sans Serif font for the design dialog.

Arrow Keys - Moves or sizes the selected controls on the dialog, depending on whether CTRL and Shift are held. Pressing an arrow key by itself moves the selected controls by one unit. Holding down Shift and pressing an arrow key sizes the controls by one unit. Finally, holding the CTRL key moves or sizes the selected controls by 10 units.

ESC - Cancels a resize or move operation of the selected controls, if pressed while sizing/moving with the mouse.

Dialog Studio also supports the Windows' standard Cut (CTRL+X, Shift+Del), Copy (CTRL+C, CTRL+Insert), Paste (CTRL+V, Shift+Insert), and Delete (Del) shortcuts for dealing with selected controls.

Again, the best way to learn how to use the shortcuts is to just load a new project and experiment.