
Reuse of concurrent, distributed, persistent, and/or secure components faces challenges not seen for example in most UI toolkits, data structure libaries or spell-checker plug-ins. Reasons include:

Extended senses of correctness
The need for safety, liveness, fault-tolerance, auditability, recovery, and so on make components more difficult to specify, test, and reason about.

Large policy spaces
Each of these aspects introduces specification and design choices in places where no such choice exists in simpler systems: Optimistic or pessimistic?, Local or remote? Synchronous or asynchronous? Persistent or transient? Clear or encrypted? Support infractructures that accommodate all of the associated mechanisms create an unwieldy policy jungle. Those that do not become unusable.

Architectural constraints
TO avoid policly clashes, components cannot be build in isolation, but must observe compatibility constraints that are often phrased as architectural rules; for example those concerning locking or flow. These rules are often sub-optimal, even arbitrary, but must be fervently believed in anyway by developers.

The imposition of architectural constraints generates a slew of programmer obligations when building or adapting even the simplest parts. Policies and constraints inevitably alter nearly every line of code, and resist factoring and layering[#!lea97!#]. Nearly every successful concurrent, distributed, persistent, and/or secure system was designed that way from the outset.

Compositionality failures
Many components are safe, live, recoverable, secure, mobile, and so on, only within particular sets of contexts, and thus may be composed only within those contexts. These problems are compounded when more than one of these aspects is involved. For example, when serializing objects that may engage in multiple threads.

Need for abstraction without transparency
Interfaces and the like must be abstracted out enough to manage complexity. Yet implementations cannot afford to be treated as pure black boxes. Eventually, someone else will need to get behind an abstraction, often as a result of a policy change or customization. Open source helps.

Systems increasingly entail reflective, multilevel design in which objects at each level manipulate, manage, and coordinate lower-level ground objects as resources. Thread-objects interpret passive objects. Distributed server-objects pass around informational resources. Database-objects manage states of ground objects. Builder-objects create functional objects for later deployment.