Workshop on Institutionalizing Software Reuse (WISR'9)

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January 7-9, 1999
Thompson Conference Center
The University of Texas at Austin

Position Papers


Dean Allemang
How to organize functional information about lots of exemplar systems
Synquiry Technologies, Ltd.

Steven Atkinson
(Unreasonable Software) Reuse is Unreasonable (Software Reuse)
West Virginia University

Sidney C. Bailin
Like Excrement...
Knowledge Evolution, Inc.

K. Suzanne Barber, Thomas J. Graser, and Stephen R. Jernigan
Increasing Opportunities for Reuse through Tool and Methodology Support for Enterprise-wide Requirements Reuse and Evolution
The University of Texas at Austin

Ira D. Baxter
Transformation Systems:Domain-Oriented Component and Implementation Knowledge Reuse
Semantic Designs, Inc.

Robert Biddle and Ewan Tempero
Towards Asset Based Software Engineering
Victoria University of Wellington

Ted J. Biggerstaff
Generation Flexibility versus Performance
Microsoft Research

Jim Browne
Compositional Development of Performance Models
University of Texas

Greg Butler
Developing Frameworks by Aligning Requirements, Design, and Code
Concordia University

Richard Cardone
On the Relationship of Aspect-Oriented Programming and GenVoca
University of Texas at Austin

Paul C. Clements
Essential Product Line Practices
Carnegie Mellon University

Sholom Cohen
From Use Cases to Domains and Architecture
Carnegie Mellon University

Patricia Cornwell
Scoping the Task and Application Domain for Knowledge Acquisition
Hewlett-Packard Company

Margaret (Maggie) J. Davis
Barrier To Adopting Reuse: Dynamic Tension Between Technical and Organizational Forces
Boeing Commercial Airplane Group

Stephen H. Edwards
Assessing the Perceptions of the Reuse Community
Virginia Tech

David Eichmann
If Java is the Answer, What Was the Question?
University of Iowa

John Favaro
Strategic Analysis of Component-Based Development
Intecs Sistemi S.p.A.

Bill Frakes
Domain Engineering Education
Virginia Tech

Martin L. Griss
Reuse 2001-2004: What next, now that we have solved all reuse problems?
Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, 1U16

Ernesto Guerrieri
Reuse Success - When and How?
Inso Corporation

Joe Hollingsworth
An Architecture for Doing Pointers Right
Indiana University Southeast

Michael B. Kachmarik
Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS) Products -- An Appropriate Strategy for Reuse in the Development of Object Oriented Systems
Endicott Johnson Corporation

Even-André Karlsson
Experiences From an Industrial Software Architecture Course

Larry Latour
Reuse Education is NOT about Reuse
University of Maine

Doug Lea
Complex Components Create New Challenges
State University of New York at Oswego

Julio Cesar Sampaio do Prado Leite
Are Domains Really Cost Effective?
Departamento de Informática , PUC- Rio

Wayne C. Lim
Why the Reuse Percent Metric should never be used alone
Lombard Hill Group

Rym Mili and Ioannis "Yanni" G. Tollis
Is a Picture Worth a Thousand Words?
The University of Texas at Dallas

Roland T. Mittermeir
A Phrase Says More than 1000 Symbols
Universität Klagenfurt

Gordon S. Novak Jr.
Reuse by Specialization through Views
University of Texas at Austin

John Penix
REBOUND: A Framework for Automated Component Adaptation
NASA Ames Research Center

Dewayne E. Perry
Some Holes in the Emperor's Reused Clothes
Bell Laboratories

Bruce Porter and Peter Clark
Building Concept Representations from Reusable Components
The University of Texas and The Boeing Company

Jeffrey S. Poulin
The Foundation of Reuse
Lockheed Martin Federal Systems

Eric Price
Production Models Drive Reuse Readiness

Mark A. Simos
Domain Envisioning:A Lightweight, Incremental Approach to Getting a Company Started with Systematic Reuse
Synquiry Technologies, Ltd.

Murali Sitaraman
Why Neither Java Components Nor Formal Methods Can Do It Alone
West Virginia University

Yannis Smaragdakis
Reusable Object-Oriented Components
University of Texas at Austin

Douglas A. Stuart
Reuse and Analysis
Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation

Ewan Tempero and Robert Biddle
Programming Environments for the Beyond the 90s
Victoria University of Wellington

Lance Tokuda
Refactorings to Evolve Reusable Object-Oriented Software
University of Texas at Austin

Will Tracz
Plug and Play/Pull and Pray - A Question of "un-" Reuse
Lockheed Martin Federal Systems

Bruce W. Weide
"Modular Regression Testing": Connections to Component-Based Software
The Ohio State University

Kathryn Priest Yglesias
A Consortium to Put the "Engineering" into Software
IBM Global Services

Mansour Zand
Organizational and management Issues: Are we there yet?
University Of Nebraska - Omaha

Last Updated: 12/10/98