Transformation Systems:

Domain-Oriented Component and Implementation Knowledge



Ira D. Baxter

Semantic Designs, Inc.

12636 Research Blvd, #C214

Tel: (512) 250-1018, fax: (512)250-1191





We sketch the implementation of a domain-oriented transformation system, and argue that such infrastructure is the right infrastructure for carrying out scale reuse.

Keywords: Transformations, Domain-specific, Design Reuse, Software Maintenance, Scale, Parallel

Workshop Goals: Capturing domain knowledge is extremely hard, so we should never do it twice. Why can't/shouldn't we reuse captured domain knowledge in different reuse settings (libraries, generators, etc.), to avoid repeating the acquisition expense? One of the impediments are the commitments that each reuse method makes in providing solution to the reuse problem. The workshop should spend some effort to understand the how the choice of reuse technology prior to domain analysis impacts representation of captured domain knowledge, how we might exchange such domain analyses, and which reuse technologies might be more conducive to such exchanges.

Working Groups: Scoping domains, component issues.


1 Background

Software reuse is intended to lower the cost of obtaining some software engineering artifact due to the high cost of constructing such artifacts. Methods for performing software reuse are themselves often composed of a mixture of manual procedures and software, e.g., some informal approach for acquiring a domain analysis, and a tool for encoding the domain knowledge, and a tool for generating an application from the encoded knowledge. Since constructing a reuse method is itself expensive, we clearly want to reuse as many of the methodological aspects and artifacts as we can. (Reuse conferences are an attempt to make knowledge of such approaches reusable). Which reuse technologies are the most reusable?


2 Position

We see the reuse problem as one of finding a coherent set of solutions to the following set of problems:

  1. Discovering a vocabulary for referring to problem concepts and a means of stating some abstract problem to be solved ("domain analysis")
  2. Defining a problem specification language
  3. Acquiring methods for solving problems stated in the specification language
  4. Encoding the problem solving methods in a tool (or process) ("domain engineering")
  5. Acquiring a problem specification instance
  6. Matching the specification instance with a subset of solving methods
  7. Choosing and applying a particular solver method

A serious unsolved problem with reuse is the maintenance problem. If the original problem specification changes, how are those changes reflected into the system integrating the reusably-derived part?

Transformation systems [Agresti86] [Partsch90] are systems that apply rules to modify syntactic structures. Because this is the basis of mathematics, they offer a particularly reusable technology to solve reuse problems. Transformation systems solve the problems above in the following ways:

  1. Provide a vehicle (see 2-7) for experimenting with domain definitions
  2. Allow the formal definition of a problem specification language of arbitrary sophistication, from keyword lists to constraint equations
  3. Provide a vehicle for testing proposed solutions (see 4-7).
  4. Enable the coding of a set of transformations to map specifications to (possibly many) programs that implement those specifications. Check syntax, semantics, consistency and possibly aid software engineer in validating specification
  5. Transformations choose portions of specifications to which they apply
  6. Execution of transformations carries out the generation of a desired artifact

As with most reuse schemes, an up front investment must be made before there is any payoff. In the case of transformation systems, one must first acquire a useful transformational platform even before beginning to perform any domain engineering or analysis. Fortunately, transformation systems are a problem domain themselves, and so one can use reuse methods, especially transformational ones, to aid in bootstrapping. A theory detail but a requirement for serious software engineering is operation on practical scale; software systems are growing in size as microprocessors continue to grow in

support application needs.

The maintenance problem may be solved by reuse of design histories the series of transformation steps taken [Wile83] and their justification [Baxter92].

Our position is that library approaches to reuse will never scale nor integrate well, and that fixed-framework methods (those that compose components at runtime, such as object oriented and/or architecture-methods) are too rigid to be effective in the long run. The ability to compose code and retrace that composition will be a necessity. Transformation systems will be the eventual reuse technology of choice.


3 Approach

Semantic Designs is building a sophisticated transformation system called the "Design Maintenance System". There are two challenges to implementing a DMS-like vision. First one must have sufficient integrated infrastructure to carry out the steps. Second, it must scale reasonably well.

Required infrastructure includes the following:

Such tools will not have long term impact if they cannot operate on the scale of large software engineering projects. To support scale, DMS provides:

Building DMS is a complex project. We are (re)using DMS to aid its own construction. The PARLANSE parser is implemented in DMS, and a completed PARLANSE domain coupled with a generic parallelism domain will eventually allow us to use DMS as its own PARLANSE compiler. The DMS parser is used to implement SPECTRUM, which defines (some) preconditions on transforms. The rewrite engine is used to apply transforms and used to simplify the transform preconditions. The lexer generator and the attribute evaluator are both implemented as domains.

To date, DMS has been used mostly to aid its own construction. It has been applied experimentally to large-scale boolean equation simplification for automated generation of causal model diagnostics. In a test of its flexibility, it has been used to analyze another generator's synthesis specifications for errors, mostly by looking for context errors. An application of the DMS infrastructure to locate clones in legacy codes surprisingly showed that clone detection may be an interesting tool domain engineering [BaxterEtAl98].

While we are designing DMS from a reuse perspective, and expect to use DMS for domain-specific application synthesis, our main motivation for DMS is the reuse of the domain engineering knowledge to aid software maintenance by abstracting and re-implementing [BaxMeh97]. The reverse and re-engineering communities have not yet really discovered the conceptual power that a forward synthesis engine offers the reverse engineer. We expect to try scale reengineering tasks with DMS in 1999.


4 Comparison

We contend that many workers in reuse are moving in the direction of transformational generators.

The basic DMS perspective on domain and transforms is obviously inspired by the Draco approach [Neighbors84], but DMS differs in attempting to generalize the model of domains to arbitrary specifications, both tree and graphical, to bring more semantics to bear, and attempting to scale. The notion of transformational control came from work on transformational developments [Wile83]. Reusing transformational derivations by simply replay was originally suggested by Gold [Gold90], but there was not method for recovering from transformation steps that do not apply in new circumstances. We suggest how to do that in [Baxter92], and part of the purpose of DMS is to provide a platform in which to test out that theory. The computational foundation of DMS is induced by paranoia caused by 48 hour synthesis cycles generating 5000 lines programs from a previous research project of of this author.

The infrastructure is similar to the technology underlying Lucent's FAST application generation process [Weiss98] applied to telecom switching commands. DMS could be used to replicate that work by defining a telecom command domain as input, using a C domain as output, and encoding the translation as XCL metaprograms.

Batory's Genvoca models always used a "type expression" to control the generated program. Our perspective has always been that these type expressions were a peculiar kind of transformational metaprogram. It is interesting that Batory is moving directly to transformational infrastructure (abstract syntax trees and gluing operations on them) [Batory98] for his generators.

The patterns community [Gamma94] suggest that knowledge about program aspects (pipes, persistance,) may be added to existing object oriented programs by codifying the aspect as an expected behavioral aspect and an informal method for integrating code to carry out that behavior into an application. This seems like a pragmatic approach for practicing software engineers with few tools, at the price of high learning curves and the error rate of manual methods. We feel that formalizing these patterns as transformation rules will make them more precise, more accurate and enable them to be deployed much more quickly. Our intuition is that these ideas should be captured at a high level of abstraction than frameworks.


[Agresti86] William W. Agresti, What are the New Paradigms?, New Paradigms for Software Development, William W. Agresti, IEEE Press, 1986, ISBN 0-8186-0707-6.

[Batory98] D. Batory, B. Lofaso, and Y. Smaragdakis, JTS: Tools for Implementating Domain Specific Languages, Fifth International Conference on Software Reuse, IEEE, 1998.

[Baxter92] I. Baxter. 1992. Design Maintenance Systems, Communications of the ACM 35(4), April, 1992, Association for Computing Machinery, New York. (Not available online).

[BaxterEtAl98] I. Baxter, A. Yahin, A., L. Moura, M. Sant'anna, L. Bier. Clone Detection Using Abstract Syntax Trees -Proceedings of International Conference on Software Maintenance '98, 1998, IEEE Press.

[BaxMeh97] I. Baxter and M. Mehlich. Reverse Engineering is Reverse Forward Engineering. 4th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 1997, IEEE

[BaxPidg97] I. Baxter and C. Pidgeon. Software Change Through Design Maintenance. Proceedings of International Conference on Software Maintenance 97, 1997, IEEE Press.

[Gamma94] E. Gamma, R. Helm, R Johnson, J. Vlissides, Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Systems, Addison-Wesley, 1994.

[Gold90] A. Goldberg. Reusing Software Developments. ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Software Development Environments. Kestrel Institute Technical Report KES.U.90.2, 1990.

[MehBax97] Mehlich, M. and I. Baxter. Mechanical Tool Support for High Integrity Software

Development. Proceedings of Conference on High Integrity Systems 97, 1997, IEEE Press.

[Neighbors84] J. Neighbors. The Draco Approach to Constructing Software from Components. IEEE

Transactions on Software Engineering 10(5):564-574, 1984.

[Partsch90] Helmut A. Partsch, Specification and Transformation of Programs. Springer-Verlag, 1990, ISBN 3-540-52589-0.

[SPECTRUM] M. Broy, C. Facchi, R. Grosu, R. Hettler, H. Hußmann, D. Nazareth, F. Regensburger, O. Slotosch, and K. Stølen. The Requirements and Design Specification Language Spectrum: An Informal Introduction, Version 1.0. Technical Reports TUM-I-9311 and TUM-I9312, Technische Universität München, 1993.

[Weiss98] D. Cuka and D. Weiss. Engineering Domains: Executable Commands as an Example. Fifth

International Conference on Software Reuse, IEEE, 1998.

[Wile83] D. Wile, Program Developments: Formal Explanations of Implementations, CACM 26(11), Nov. 1983.


Dr. Ira Baxter has been involved with computing since 1966, and implemented one of the first minicomputer timesharing systems on a Data General Nova in 1970. He received his B.S. in Computer Science (1973), and worked for a number of years in industry both as a consultant and as owner of Software Dynamics, a systems software house, where he designed compilers, time-sharing and network operating systems. In 1990, he received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of California at Irvine, where he studied Software Engineering, focusing on design reuse using transformational methods. Dr. Baxter spent several years with Schlumberger, working on a PDE-solver generator for supercomputers (Sinapse). In 1994, he founded Semantic Designs, to build commercial tools that intended to radically enhance the method and economics of software maintenance. Through Semantic Designs, he provides consulting to Fortune 100 companies on domain-specific software transformation and synthesis methods. Dr. Baxter is the principal architect of Semantic Designs' Design Maintenance System (DMS), and is also the principal designer and compiler implementer of PARLANSE, Semantic Designs' parallel programming language.

Dr. Baxter has served as committee member for numerous computer-science conferences, especially those focused on software engineering and reusability. Recently, he was Program CoChair of the 1997 Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE4) (October, 1997), and was General CoChair for the Fifth International Conference on Software Reusability (ICSR5) (June, 1998). Dr. Baxter is presently on the Program Committee for the Intenational Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM'99) (August, 1999) and the 5th IEEE Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE5) (October, 1998). He is chair of the Software Transformations Systems workshop at ICSE99 (May, 1999).