Workshop on Institutionalizing Software Reuse (WISR'9)

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January 7-9, 1999
Thompson Conference Center
The University of Texas at Austin

Preliminary Program (Subject to Change)

This year's format will have parallel sessions.  Each session will be 2.5 hours (plus break).  Each session will begin with the presentation of a number of position papers addressing related topics.   Each presenter will be given up to 10 minutes.  Within one hour, all presentations will be completed.  The remaining time will be devoted to open discussions of these presentations and related topics.  The Session Moderator may ask the presenters to be panel members, in order to structure the discussions.

Thompson Conference Center (TCC) is located on the campus of the University of Texas at Austin.   TCC is located next to the L.B.J. Presidential Library/Museum and the L.B.J. School of Public Affairs.  TCC and its parking lot are located at the south-west corner of 26th (Dean Keaton) Street and Red River.  To reach TCC from the Hyatt, travel north on I-35 and exit at 26th Street.  The LBJ parking lot is one block west of I-35.  (Click here to see a map of TCC, the LBJ School and Museum). 

Our meeting rooms at TCC are on the second floor. Meeting rooms are 2-120 and 2-122.  The third room (2-110) will be used for registration, lunches, demonstrations, and private meetings.  

Thursday Evening, January 7th, 1999


Informal Reception at the Austin Hyatt
Room: Foothills 1

Friday, January 8th, 1999


Registration: Room 2-110


Plenary Session: Room 2-120
Opening Remarks: Poulin, Latour, Batory


Product-Line Architectures: Room 2-122
Moderator: R. Biddle

"Developing Frameworks by Aligning Requirements, Design, and Code", G. Butler

"Essential Product Line Practices", P.C. Clements

"From Use Cases to Domains and Architecture", S.Cohen

"Scoping the Task and Application Domain for Knowledge Acquisition", P. Cornwell

"Experiences from an industrial Software Architecture Course", E-A. Karlsson

"Some Holes in the Emperor's Reused Clothes", D.E. Perry

Organizational Issues, Economics, and Metrics: Room 2-120
Moderator: J. Poulin

"Barrier To Adopting Reuse: Dynamic Tension Between Technical and Organizational Forces", M.J. Davis

"Strategic Analysis of Component-Based Development", J. Favaro

"Why the Reuse Percent Metric should never be used alone", W.C. Lim

"Production Models Drive Reuse Readiness", E. Price

"Domain Envisioning: A Lightweight, Incremental Approach to Getting a Company Started with Systematic Reuse", M.A. Simos

"Organizational and Management Issues: Are we there yet?", M. Zand


LUNCH: Room 2-110


Reuse Technology 1: Room 2-122
Moderator: L. Latour

"Compositional Development of Performance Models", J. Browne

"Programming Environments for Beyond the 90s" R. Biddle and E. Tempero

"Reusable Object-Oriented Software", Y. Smaragdakis

"Building Concept Representations from Reusable Components", B. Porter and P. Clark

"Reuse and Analysis", D.A. Stuart

"Modular Regression Testing: Connections to Component-Based Software", B.W. Weide

Reuse of Existing Assets: Room 2-120
Moderator: S. Edwards

"How to organize functional information about lots of exemplar systems", D.Allemang

"Increasing Opportunities for Reuse through Tool and Methodology Support for Enterprise-wide Requirements Reuse and Evolution", K.S. Barber and T. Grasner

"Towards Asset Based Software Engineering", R. Biddle and E. Tempero

"Commercial-off-the-Shelf (COTS) Products -- An Appropriate Strategy for Reuse in the Development of Object Oriented Systems", M.B. Kachmarik


Plenary Session: Room 2-120
Recap of Today's Activities

4:45pm - 6pm

Demonstration: Room 2-120
Software Composition Workbench
M. Sitaraman

7pm - 8:30pm

DINNER: Room Foothills 1
at Austin Hyatt

Saturday, January 9th, 1999


Automated Reuse: Room 2-122
Moderator: Doug Lea

"Transformation Systems: Domain-Oriented Component and Implementation Knowledge Reuse" I.D. Baxter

"Generating Flexibility versus Performance" T.Biggerstaff

"Reuse by Specialization through Views", G.S. Novak Jr.

"REBOUND: A Framework for Automated Component Adaptation", J. Penix

"Why Neither Java Components Nor Formal Methods Can Do It Alone", M. Sitaraman

"Refactorings to Evolve Reusable Object-Oriented Software", L. Tokuda

Reuse Technology 2: Room 2-120
Moderator: Bruce Weide

"(Unreasonable Software) Reuse is Unreasonable (Software Reuse)", S. Atkinson

"On the Relationship of Aspect-Oriented Programming and GenVoca", R. Cardone

"If Java is the Answer, What was the Question?", D. Eichmann

"An Architecture for Doing Pointers Right", J. Hollingsworth

"Is a Picture Worth a Thousand Words", R. Mili and I.G. Tollis

"A Phrase Says More than 1000 Symbols", R.T. Mittermeir

12noon LUNCH: Room 2-110
1:30pm Plenary Session: Room 2-120
Recap of Saturday Morning's Activities

The Future of Reuse: Room 2-120
Moderator: D. Batory

"The Foundation for Reuse", J.S. Poulin

"Complex Components Create New Challenges", D. Lea

"Reuse 2001-2004 What next, now that we have solved all reuse problems?", M.L. Griss

"Are Domains Really Cost Effective?", J. Leite

"Reuse Education is NOT about Reuse", L. Latour

"Domain Engineering Education", B. Frakes

"A Consortium to Put the "Engineering" into Software", K.P. Yglesias

"Assessing the Perceptions of the Reuse Community", S. Edwards


Recap: Room 2-120
Closing Remarks: Batory, Poulin