Wisr '96/'97 (Wisr 8)

Workshop on Institutionalizing Software Reuse
Call for Site Proposals

The WISR committee is requesting proposals for a site, host organization, and proposed dates for the next WISR workshop in either late Fall 1996 or early Spring 1997. The workshop normally has 50-90 participants invited on the basis of a position paper. The format includes several plenary sessions for presentations and updates, however most of the workshop time is spent in small focused working groups. Because of this format, the site for a WISR should include a large room for the plenary sessions and 6-10 smaller conference rooms large enough for about 10 participants each. The workshops are normally 3-4 days long.

The hosting organization will take on the role of local arrangements chair, and a member or members of that organization may also assume the role of general chair for the workshop. The hosting organization is expected to make arrangements for the workshop site and housing for participants. WISR workshop fees are typically structured to cover costs of the site and costs of the materials such as the proceedings. Hosting organizations normally also make some office facilities available to WISR and it's participants, including photocopying, computers, and internet access.

A 2-5 page proposal outlining how the proposing group will address or intend to address the above concerns is due by email to either Larry Latour or Kevin Wentzel by November 17, 1995 . The decision on proposals will be made by the WISR-95 planning and program committees by November 24, 1995 .

Recent sites and hosting organizations have included:

Larry Latour ,
University of Maine,
Tel: 207-581-3523,
Fax: 207-581-4977,

Kevin Wentzel,
Hewlett Packard Labs,
Tel: 415-857-4018,
Fax: 415-857-8526,

Further information about past WISRs can be found on the WISR archive, anonymous ftp - gandalf.umcs.maine.edu, or WWW .