Storage Considerations in Reusable Interface Design

A. L. N. Reddy

Member of Technical Staff
Netscape Communications Corporation
501 East Middlefield Road
Mountain View, CA 94043
Tel: (408)542-3243
Fax: (408)542-3210


Reusable software interface and implementation design must include consideration of storage bounds, efficiency, and other performance issues for them to be widely reused. However, typical components -even those designed to be reused - rarely address performance concerns. For example, most components are designed under the assumption of unbounded storage. When bounds are specified, they usually are placed statically on individual objects, leaving central storage management questions largely unattended. It is important to establish that objects in a software system work within global and communal storage constraints, because ultimately, all practical software systems need to function safely within a fixed storage capacity that is determined by the underlying environment. Storage handling also has tremendous implications on efficiency and predictability of software systems. These observations lead us to the following position:

"For widespread reuse, reusable software interface and implementation design must include storage and other performance considerations. Addressing performance issues in addition to more traditional concerns such as functional flexibility, is what makes component design a technical challenge."

Keywords: reusable components, performance, predictability, specification and verification

Workshop Goals: Engage in a design for reuse discussion, learn other aspects of software reuse, network.

Workshop Groups: "Rigorous Behavioral Specification as an Aid to Reuse" and "Component Certification Tools, Frameworks and Processes."

1 Background

Reusable software interface and implementation design must include consideration of storage bounds, efficiency, and other performance issues for them to be widely reused. However, typical components - even those designed to be reused - rarely address performance concerns. Citing efficiency reasons, Fleming et al. propose that a reusable software interface must satisfy a performance criterion[2]:

"The interface must permit multiple implementations, at least one of which provides the optimal performance behavior for each intended functional variation."

Design of such reusable interfaces is the underlying motivation for recasting algorithms as reusable objects [11], where the typical algorithm for finding a minimum spanning forest of a graph is recast as an object to encourage reusability. The difficulty in designing suitable formal interface specification for this problem including storage and duration considerations is illustrated in [9]. This paper highlights the issues in addressing storage aspects in component design. Ability to reason about storage aspects is a fundamental requirement because improper handling of dynamic storage can often lead to devious and difficult-to-detect software errors that can sabotage critical missions. Storage handling also has tremendous implications on the predictability of real-time systems. In addition, for safe and secure use of objects in systems that facilitate easy component sharing (e.g., Java), storage-related issues must be carefully addressed. It is therefore essential to be able to design, use and reason about storage considerations of interfaces with ease, but without compromising efficiency or predictability.

2 Position

For widespread reuse, reusable software interface and implementation design must include storage and other performance considerations. Addressing performance issues in addition to more traditional concerns such as functional flexibility, is what makes component design a technical challenge.

2.1 Introduction

To illustrate the issues in designing behavioral specifications with storage considerations and other aspects of performance, this section presents alternative specifications of a stack component. The traditional "unbounded" version of the stack concept[7], while has the advantage of being simple, is not practical. In the absence of storage constraints the specification allows a stack to grow infinitely, and hence, precludes any practical implementation.

2.2 Bounded Components

The simplest solution for including storage considerations is adding an upper bound on the size of each object in the specification, although it is not clear specifying such upper bounds is as trivial as in the case of stacks. For example, from the Minimum Spanning Forest specification[9] it is hard to specify an upper bound on the storage without precluding certain implementations. The specification, however, might allow the upper bound to be fixed statically or dynamically. Figure 1(a) shows a static (or plastic) version and Figure 1(b) contains a ceramic version. Considerations of bounds have led to other minor, but noticeable changes in these specifications such as the use of Depth_Of operation instead of Is_Empty.

Shown next is an instance of the bounded plastic stack concept:

facility BSF is Bounded_Plastic_Stack_Template(Integer, 1000) realized by Static_Array_With_Top_Index

concept	Bounded_Plastic_Stack_Template
global context
	facility Standard_Integer_Facility
parametric context
	constant Max_Depth: Integer
	restriction Max_Depth>0
	type Entry
	type Stack is modeled by string of Entry
		exemplar	s
		ensures |s| = 0
	constraint |s| <= Max_Depth
	operation Push(alters s: Stack consumes x: Entry)
		requires |s| < Max_Depth
		ensures s = #s * #x 
	operation Pop(alters s: Stack produces x: Entry)
		requires |s| >0
		ensures #s = s * x 
	operation Depth_Of (preserves s: Stack): Integer
		ensures Depth_Of = |s|
	operation Max_Depth(): Integer
		ensures Max_Depth = Max_Depth
end Bounded_Plastic_Stack_Template

Fig. 1(a). Bounded Stack specification

The upper bounds of all stack objects of Stack type from this facility are fixed to be 1000. The ceramic version of the specification, while still forces a bound on each object, allows different stack objects to use different upper bounds. This specification is given in Figure 1(b).

Both versions of the specifications where individual objects are bounded are simple for understanding and reasoning. Typical array-based implementations are efficient and predictable. However, storage utilization is far from optimal since sizes of objects have to fixed a priori.

2.3 Communal Storage Management

concept	Bounded_Ceramic_Stack_Template
	global context
		facility Standard_Integer_Facility
	parametric context
		type Entry
	type Stack is modeled by (contents: string of
			Max_Depth: integer)
	exemplar  s
		ensures	|s.contents| = 0 and
			s.Max_Depth = 0
			|s.contents| <= s.Max_Depth

	operation Set_Max_Depth( alters s: Stack preserves
max_depth: Integer)
		requires max_depth   0  and s.Max_Depth = 0
		ensures s.Max_Depth = max_depth and s.contents = #s.contents

	operation Get_Max_Depth( preserves s: Stack ): Integer
		ensures Get_Max_Depth = s.Max_Depth
		-- specifications of Push, Pop, and Depth_Of are
		-- similar to those in Figure 1(a) except that now
		-- s.max_depth is used instead of Max_Depth

end Bounded_Ceramic_Stack_Template

Fig. 1(b). Bounded Ceramic Stack specification

A communal storage-based specification remedies the storage under-utilization problem with individually bounded components to a great extent, without compromising efficiency or predictability. The basic idea of communal storage management is simple. Different pools of storage are used for objects from different facilities. For example, all the objects that belong to stack of integer facility would use the same pool. Though the pool has an upper bound, there are no bounds on individual objects. This approach permits faster allocation and de-allocation of storage because all objects in a pool are of identical size. Allocation and De-allocation take almost constant time as there is no need to analyze the storage configuration as would be required in global best-fit, first-fit, or other schemes.

To express communal storage requirements, additional language constructs have to be introduced, which make the specifications somewhat more complex. One such specification for communal Stack_Template, directly based on the one in [6], is given in Figure 2.

concept	Communal_Stack_Template
	global context
	facility Standard_Integer_Facility	
	parametric context
	type Entry
	constant Total_Max_Depth: Integer
	restriction  Total_Max_Depth >0
	type Stack is modeled by string of Entry
	math operation Total_Depth : integer
	Total_Depth =  SIGMA over i=1 to 
		Total_Depth <= Total_Max_Depth
	exemplar	s
		ensures	|s| =  0
	operation Push(alters s: Stack consumes x: Entry)
		requires Total_Depth < Total_Max_Depth
		ensures s = #x  * #s
	operation Pop(alters s: Stack produces x: Entry)
		requires |s| /= 0
		ensures #s = x *s
	operation Depth_Of ( preserves s: Stack) : Integer
		ensures Depth_Of = |s|
	operation Get_Rem_Capacity(): Integer
		ensures Get_Rem_Capacity = (Total_Max_Depth - Total_Depth)
end Communal_Stack_Template

Fig. 2 Communal Stack Specification

In the stack specification in Figure 2 new notations, such as Last_Specimen_Num and Denoted_By, have been introduced. Conceptually, every stack object from a facility is assigned a sequence number, where Last_Specimen_Num represents the sequence number of the most recent stack object. The notation Denoted_By is used to refer to a specific stack object using its sequence number. This is essential not to bring in the names of all the stack objects into the specification. Total_Depth of the facility represents the sum of the depths of all the stack managed by this facility. And the constraint "Total_Depth < Max_Upper_Bound" specifies that at any given time the sum of the depths of all the stacks should not exceed the Max_Upper_Bound set for that facility.

2.4 Secondary Operations' specification

enhancement Bounded_Stack_Append_Capability for
	operation Append(alters s: Stack, consumes t: Stack)
	requires |s| + |t| < Max_Depth
	ensures  s = #s * #t

enhancement Bounded_Ceramic_Stack_Append_Capability for
	operation Append(alters s: Stack, consumes t: Stack)
	requires |s| + |t| < s.Max_Depth
	ensures s = #s * #t
enhancement Communal_Stack_Append_Capability for 
	operation Append(alters s: Stack, consumes t: Stack)
	--No requires clause since the storage is already available
	ensures s = #s * #t
Fig. 3: Append secondary operations

As shown above specification models of a concept vary with the storage management. Because of these different models enhancements on components have to be specified in a redundant fashion. The Append enhancement for various stack specifications are given in Fig. 3. Had there been a single specification this multiplicity in the number of specifications could have been avoided.

2.5 Conclusions

This paper has made a case for storage considerations in component design for reuse. For reuse to be popular in the practicing community, storage and other aspects of performance cannot be ignored. The important research issues to be addressed include expression of storage constraints of alternative implementations of a specification and storage verification using such expressions. This would allow to use the same specification for various storage management schemes unlike the examples given, where each implementation scheme has its own variation of specification.

3 Related Work

Software Component designers have routinely developed separate interfaces for statically bounded and unbounded components. However, neither alternative ways for handling storage nor the ramifications of multiple interfaces for a component have been systematically studied. Most formal specification approaches such as those summarized in [10] have traditionally avoided storage specification and verification problems. The work by Ernst et. al. In [1] on verification of realizations that permit objects to share communal storage and the classification of specification based on storage considerations in [6] are the basis for the current position. Languages, such as Java have included automated garbage collection to free programmers from dealing with storage deallocation and hence, memory bounds. However, garbage collection is not uniformly suitable for all systems because it leads to under utilization , predictability and other performance problems[12,5]. Zhang also reports that the generic communal storage management scheme proposed in [3] is a partial solution to the performance problems in Java. Even when garbage collection is used, the storage specification and verification problems need to be addressed to predict in advance if a system will fail because of storage unavailability.


[1] Ernst, G. W., Hookaway, R. J., and Ogden, W. F. "Modular Verification of Data Abstractions with Shared Realizations," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol.20, No. 4, April 1994.

[2] Fleming, D., Sitaraman, M., and Sreerama, S. "A practical Performance Criterion for Object Interface Design," JOOP, SIGS Publication, 1997, to appear.

[3] Hollingsworth, J. E., and Weide, B. W., "Engineering" UNBOUNDED" Reusable ADA Generics," 10th Annual National Conference on ADA Technology, 1992.

[4] Krone, J., and Sitaraman, M. "Expressive Specification and Modular Verification of Performance of Generic Data Abstractions," 1995.

[5] McManis, C., "Not Using Garbage Collection," JavaWorld, September 1996.

[6] Ogden, W. F., "The Proper Conceptualization of Data Structures," CIS 680 Class Notes, The Ohio State University, 1993.

[7] Ogden, W. F., Sitaraman, M., Weide, B. W., and Zweben, S. H., "The RESOLVE Framework and Discipline," ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes Vol. 19 No.4, October 1994.

[8] Perkins, C. L., "The Big Picture," Java report, March/April 1996.

[9] Sitaraman, M., "Impact of Performance Considerations on Formal Specification Design," Formal Aspects of Computing, 1997: 000-000.

[10] Wing, J. M., "A Specifier's Introduction to Formal Methods", IEEE Computer, 23(9), 8-24, 1990.

[11] Weide, B. W., Ogden, W. F. and Sitaraman, M. "Recasting Algorithms to Encourage Reuse," IEEE Software, 11(5), 80-88 (1994).

[12] Zhang, Y., "Implementation and Experimentation with a Communal Storage Manager in Java," MS report, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV26506.


A. L. N. Reddy is currently working at Netscape Communications Corporation, Mtn. View, CA, as a Member of Technical Staff. Prior to joining Netscape, A. L. N. Reddy was a Software Engineer at ManTech, Fairmont, WV. He received a MS in computer science from West Virginia University in 1992, and is currently working on his Ph.D. thesis under the guidance of Dr. Murali Sitaraman at West Virginia University. He is a member of Association for Computing Machinery.