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Teaching - A Digression?

At the end of the mental-model discussion with the heap-spiral, we discussed for some time issues relating to teaching. This is not a digression, but an important topic in relation to mental models, simply because as teachers of computer science and software engineering we are continuously striving to find descriptions of our material that best fit the way each student views that material.

Visualizations such as that of the heap-spiral are typically generated many times during the course of a data structures and algorithms course, some on the fly in response to critical questions or confused stares, and it is the richness of these descriptions that is the mark of an excellent teacher.

Specifically, Robert Biddle mentioned his experiments with animation techniques to capture the dynamics of an algorithm. We also talked about how micro-architecture issues should be taught, stressing that students design both with and for reuse, using existing components to build systems, providing components that completed systems otherwise already built, and providing programs to allow students to test and explore components.

Larry Latour
Sun Sep 17 21:09:35 EDT 1995