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This report summarizes the work of two WISR '7 working groups: the ``Micro-Architecture of Software Components'' group, and ``The Need For Good Mental Models of Software Subsystems'' group. Because of similar interests, these two groups initially met together, and then decided to jointly pursue both topics.

From the micro-architecture perspective, the group was interested in the details of both the structure and the behavior of software component interfaces and on the implementations of individual components, sets of components, and how they compose and ``interoperate'' with each other. From the mental models perspective, the group was interested in exploring the methods by which humans develop good mental models of generic software subsystems, the methods by which one can design software interfaces that ``project'' easy-to-assimilate mental models, and how existing programming languages support/hinder these efforts.

In addition to the authors, the working group was represented by David Fleming, West Virginia University, Prem Devanbu, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Antonio Nestor Ribeiro and F. Luis Neves, Universidade do Minho, Portugal, Beat Liver, Swiss Telecom PTT, Robert Biddle, Victoria University of Wellington, and Don Roberts, University of Illinois. Ted Biggerstaff , Microsoft, was an envoy from the Systematic OO Reuse group led by Martin Griss, Hewlett Packard Laboratories.

Larry Latour
Sun Sep 17 21:09:35 EDT 1995