
Getting a new tool or process, such as software reuse, successfully introduced, supported, and ingrained in an existing team of technical people and its processes is difficult[#!Bo91!#]. Since new software is where reuse investments are usually justified, an environment of legacy code development presents an even greater challenge for the introduction of software reuse[#!DS91!#]. The bulk of the EPL's VM/ESA product consists of very procedure-oriented, tightly-coupled subsystems and modules of low cohesion (EVB87), often written in Assembler programming language. When new function is created for the VM/ESA product, it must blend with old product technology, making the exploitation of new development technologies very limited. At the same time, to remain competitive, the EPL must invest in new technologies that promise productivity and quality improvements. The EPL has learned that it can demonstrate significant quality improvement by removing errors from a product in the field. However, in order to deliver new function to that product and maintain equivalent low error rates, new development technologies must be employed. Software reuse is a technology which allows the creation of more and more new function with less and less error introduction. The EPL combines scavenging of existing product code with the examination of new product function to identify all reuse opportunities.
