U.S. DoD

Another document which identifies and categorizes a set of asset library services is the Asset Library Open Architecture Framework (ALOAF) - Version 1.2, developed under the Software Technology for Adaptable, Reliable Systems (STARS) program [#!aloaf92!#]. Sponsored by the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the STARS program is supported by the military services, SEI, and MITRE, with the U.S. Air Force as the executive contracting agent. The STARS Asset Library Framework (ALF) Service Model defines the categories of services that individual library frameworks make available.

The ALF service categories and how each is addressed by the tools used in the CAASD Resource Discovery System are discussed below.

Session Services.
The Gopher protocol manages connections to the asset library, provides other connection services through FTP and TELNET protocols, and logs accesses to the asset library.

Library Management Services.
Gopher provides services for managing and manipulating an asset library. The asset library maps into a UNIX file hierarchy, with provisions for providing symbolic names to the files.

Data Model Services.
Gopher and WAIS do not directly address data model services. Data models are managed and maintained by library staff.

Asset description services.
Asset descriptions are managed and manipulated outside of the Gopher and WAIS tools.

Query Services.
Gopher and WAIS provide a keyword query service on the full text of asset descriptions. Results are returned and are sorted by asset relevance as determined by the WAIS scoring algorithms.

Asset Processing Services.
Asset processing varies on a case-by-case basis. Some assets may be available through the anonymous ftp mechanism available through Gopher. Other assets may require contacting the internal point of contact mentioned in the asset description.

Metrics Services.
Gopher and WAIS provide logging mechanisms to allow asset library administrators to collect statistics on library usage and asset usage, as well as unsuccessful library queries.

Access Control Services.
Gopher and WAIS provide access control on a machine-by-machine basis. User level authentication has been prototyped but is not a part of the standard Gopher software distribution. Currently, sensitive information is not made available through the CAASD Resource Discovery System.