Library Staff Tool Requirements

Support the cataloguing of RSCs.
WAIS provides a mechanism to perform full-text indexing on asset descriptions and keyword searching on these asset descriptions. Each asset description exists as an individual file, and these files may be bulk-loaded into the library system. Gopher provides a mechanism to allow a hierarchy of libraries to be created so that domain-specific assets may be classified as such.

Support the maintenance of the classification mechanism.
A classification system is not formally used. Instead, the full-text searching mechanism of WAIS is utilized.

Generate transaction and status reports.
Both Gopher and WAIS maintain logs of accesses and queries. These logs may be processed to determine asset and user statistics.

Support configuration management of the RSCs and of the classification vocabulary.
Gopher and WAIS do not directly address the issue of configuration management. The Gopher server administrator is responsible for configuration management of the RSCs.

Support problem-report tracking.
Gopher and WAIS do not directly address the issue of problem-report tracking. Problem reports are tracked by library staff.

Support user and project tracking.
Gopher and WAIS do not directly address the issue of user and project tracking, except by the logging mechanism. Tracking of users and projects is performed by library staff.

Include adequate tool documentation.
Gopher allows for the inclusion of help files that a user may browse in the same directory as the search items and other tools.