P++: A Language for Large-Scale Reusable Software Components

Vivek Singhal and Don Batory
Department of Computer Sciences
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas 78712
Tel: (512) 471-9711/9713
Email: {singhal,batory}@cs.utexas.edu


P++ is a programming language that supports the GenVoca model [#!batory92a!#], a particular style of software design that is intended for building software system generators. P++ is an enhanced version of C++: it offers linguistic extensions for component encapsulation, abstraction, parameterization, and inheritance, where a component is a subsystem, i.e., a suite of interrelated classes and functions.

Keywords: open architectures, program families, large-scale reuse, software system synthesis, GenVoca, software system generators.

Workshop Goals: feedback on our research; exposure to other work in software reuse.

Working Groups: reuse process models; domain analysis/engineering; design guidelines for reuse; reuse and object-oriented methods; tools and environments.