Roles and role conflicts in reuse projects

Even-André Karlsson
S-223 70 Lund


Reuse is seen as one of the main sources of productivity increase in software development within the next decade. Up till now there has been mainly a focus on either organizational or technical aspects of reuse. We argue that to achieve reuse we have to organize and plan both development for and with reuse within a project. In this article we identify different roles in connection to reuse, and the role conflicts that leads to many of the reuse inhibitors which block the full potential of reuse. This work is done within the context of the ESPRIT project REBOOT. The REBOOT projects aims at producing methodologies and tools supporting reuse, but is also giving considerable attention to the equally important implementation of reuse in industrial environments.

Keywords: Reuse projects, roles, conflicts

Workshop Goals: Learning; networking; discuss ideas

Working Groups: reuse project management, reuse organization