
Barnes and Bollinger [#!barnes91!#,#!bollinger90!#] have indicated similar beliefs about the nature of the problems that are associated with software developments incorporating reuse. They advocate the necessity for a broad spectrum of reuse to be considered and stress the importance of considering human problem solving as an aspect of software development that is potentially reusable. Their work has concentrated on the need for incentives for performing reuse and have indicated ways in which this can be taken account of in the software development process. In addition they have indicated that life cycle integration is likely to one of the key factors which makes reuse truly effective. This work formed the foundation from which we embarked in our research One major contribution, and the issue on which we focus here, is the notion of risk and the reuse of risk assessment - a sort of human problem solving.

In addition we have also built our work around Boehm's spiral model [#!boehm88!#,#!boehm91!#]. We will consider the additions we have made to the model in more detail below, but in brief we have to base our work on the spiral model because of its risk based approach to software development. Our extensions were included to enhance the work of Boehm's to encourage a life cycle approach to reuse and a broad definition of reuse.