Project Aims and Approach

The current project is an attempt to create synergy between the studio's needs and vision and the tools, methods and open research questions in the reuse field. Initiating the project involved a lengthy ``warming up'' process, including extensive and mutual education on software reuse and domain analysis concepts and how they could be applied to the sound modelling problem, and on the nature of the work at Real World and the studio's concept of the potential sound library system. As a result, Real World has supported some initial inventory, tool development and domain analysis activity. In addition, under the auspices of the studio, and as affiliate research scientist with the Palo Alto-based Institute for Research on Learning, I am preparing a concepts document (or ``Manifesto'') integrating Real World's conception with my previous and parallel work in reuse ([SIMOS86, SIMOS88, SIMOS90b, SIMOS91]). Sun Microsystems' Multimedia Platform Products group is contributing additional support for the proposal effort. The Manifesto will serve as the foundation for a more extensive project proposal; the intent is to fund the overall project with a combination of grants from corporate, academic, and possibly governmental (U.S., U.K. and/or EC) sources. Extracts from the library and software tools developed may also be productized for the commercial music market or for educational purposes. As the following sections will make clear, we intend to pioneer innovative approaches to domain analysis, domain modelling, and library navigation that should contribute significantly, not only to the state of the art in the computer music industry, but to reuse technology in general.
