
Bendi 89
Bendifallah, S. and W. Scacchi. ``Work Structures and Shifts: An Empirical Analysis of Software Specification Teamwork.'' Proc. 11th. Intern. Conf. Software Engineering, ACM, 1989, pp. 260-270.
Cast 86
Castillo, A., S. Corcoran, and W. Scacchi.``A Unix-based Gist Specification Processor: The System Factory Experience.'' Proc. 2nd. Intern. Conf. Data Engineering, 1986, pp. 582-589.

Choi 89
Choi, S., and W. Scacchi. ``Assuring the Correctness of Configured Software Descriptions.'' Proc. 2nd. Intern. Workshop Software Configuration Management ACM Software Engineering Notes, 17(7) (1989), 67-76.

Choi 90
Choi, S.C. and W. Scacchi. ``Extracting and Restructuring the Design of Large Systems''. IEEE Software 7, 1 (1990), 66-71.

Choi 91
Song Choi and Walt Scacchi. ``SOFTMAN: AN Environment for Forward and Reverse Computer-Aided Software Engineering''. Information and Software Technology, to appear (1991).

Garg 88
Garg, P.K. and W. Scacchi.``A Software Hypertext Environment for Configured Software Descriptions.'' Proc. Intern. Workshop on Software Version and Configuration Control, January, 1988, pp. 326-343.

Garg 90
Garg, P.K. and W. Scacchi. ``A Hypertext System to Manage Software Life Cycle Documents''. IEEE Software 7, 3 (1990), 90-99.

Karr 90
Karrer, A. and Scacchi, W. ``An Extensible Object-Oriented Tree/Graph Editor''. ACM SIGGRAPH Symp. on User Interface and Software Technology, October, 1990, pp. 84-91.

Karr 91
Karrer, A. and Scacchi, W. ``Meta-Environments for Software Development''. submitted for publication, October (1991).

Mi 90
Mi, P. and W. Scacchi. ``A Knowledge Base Environment for Modeling and Simulating Software Engineering Processes''. IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Engineering 2, 3 (1990), 283-294.

Peiw 91
Peiwei Mi and Walt Scacchi. ``Process Integration for CASE Environments.'' submitted for publication, May (1991).

Nara 87a
Narayanaswamy, K. and W. Scacchi. ``A Database Foundation to Support Software System Evolution''. J. Systems and Software 7 (1987), 37-49.

Nara 85
Narayanaswamy, K. and W. Scacchi. ``An Environment for the Development and Maintenance of Large Software Systems.'' Proc. SOFTFAIR II, 1985, pp. 11-25.

Nara 87b
Narayanaswamy, K. and W. Scacchi. ``Maintaining Configurations of Evolving Software Systems''. IEEE Trans. Soft. Engr. 13, 3 (1987), 324-334.

Noll 91
Noll, J. and W. Scacchi. ``Integrating Diverse Information Repositories: A Distributed Hypertext Approach''. Computer 24, 12 (1991), to appear.

Scac 89
Scacchi, W. ``On the Power of Domain-Specific Hypertext Environments''. J. Amer. Soc. Info. Science 40, 3 (May 1989), 183-191.

Scac 91
Scacchi, W. ``Understanding Software Productivity: Towards a Knowledge-Based Approach''. Intern. J. Soft. Engr. and Know. Engr. 1, 3 (September 1991).

Scac 86
Scacchi, W., S. Bendifallah, A. Bloch, S. Choi, P. Garg, A. Jazzar, A. Safavi, J. Skeer, and M. Turner. Modeling System Development Work: A Knowledge-Based Approach. Computer Science Dept., USC, 1986. working paper SF-86-05.