
Dr. Luqi received the B.S. degree from Jilin University, China, received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Sci- ence from University of Minnesota, and is currently an asso- ciate professor at the Naval Postgraduate School. She worked on software research & development for the Science Academy of China, University of Minnesota, University of Maryland, International Software Systems Inc., and etc. She is a technical consultant for the computer industry. Her research interests include rapid prototyping, real-time sys- tems, design of computer languages, software reuse, specifi- cations, software configuration management, software development tools, and scientific computing. Her research is supported by the National Science Foundation, the Office of Naval Research and many other agencies. She received an Engineering Initiation Award and a Presidential Young Inves- tigator Award from NSF. She has published more than fifty technical papers in professional journals and conferences as well as co-authored several books. She is an associate edi- tor for IEEE Expert and the Journal of Systems Integration. She has supervised more than twenty-eight M. S. and Ph. D. theses in software engineering.

Her current address is NPS CS/Lq, Monterey, CA 93943.