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Basili, Victor R. (1990) ``Viewing Maintenance as Reuse-oriented Software Development.'' IEEE Software. pp. 19-25. January.
Bigg 87
Biggerstaff, Ted & Charles Richter. (1987) ``Reusability Framework, Assessment, and Directions.'' IEEE Software. pp. 41-49. March.
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Biggerstaff, Ted and Alan Perlis (eds.). (1989) Software Reusability, Vol. I. New York: ACM Press.
Burt 87
Burton, Bruce A., et al. (1987) ``The Reusable Software Library.'' IEEE Software. pp. 25-32. July.
Cald 91
Caldiera, Gianluigi and Victor R. Basili. (1991) ``Identifying and Qualifying Reusable Software Components''. IEEE Computer. February.
Cava 83
Cavaliere, Michael J. (1983) ``Reusable Code at the Hartford Insurance Group.'' in Biggerstaff, Ted and Alan Perlis (eds.). (1989) Software Reusability, Vol. II. New York: ACM Press. pp. 131-141.
Duns 80
Dunsmore, H.E., and J.D. Gannon. (1980) ``Analysis of the Effect of Programming Factors on Programming Effort''. Journal of Systems and Software. Vol. 1. pp. 141-153.
Elsh 76
Elshoff, James L. (1976) ``An Analysis of Some Commercial PL/1 Programs.'' IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering. pp. 113-120.
Good 83
Goodell, Mike. (1983) ``What Business Programs Do: Recurring Functions in a Sample of Commercial Applications''. ITT: Proceedings of the Workshop on Reusability in Programming. Newport, RI.
Katz 87
Katz, Shmuel & Charles A. Richter, & Khe-Sing The. (1987) ``Paris: A System for Reusing Partially Interpreted Schemas.'' Also in 9th International Conf. on Software Engineering. ACM. March.
Knut 71
Knuth, Donald E. (1971) ``An Empirical Study of FORTRAN Programs.'' Software - Practice and Experience. v. 1. pp. 105-133.
Lane 84
Lanergan, Robert G. and Charles A. Grasso. (1984) ``Software Engineering with Reusable Designs and Code.'' in [Big89b] pp. 187-195. Also in IEEE Trans. on Software Eng. SE-10,5. September.
Lenz 87
Lenz, Manfred et al. (1987) ``Software Reuse Through Building Blocks.'' IEEE Software. pp. 34-42. July.
Luba 86
Lubars, Michael D. (1986) ``Code Reusability in the Large Versus Code Reusability in the Small.'' ACM Sigsoft Software Eng. Notes. 11,1 pp. 21 -27. January.
Mats 90
Matsumura, Kazuo, et al. (1990) ``Modeling of Software Reusable Component Approach and its Case Study.'' Proc. COMPSAC. IEEE Computer Society Press.
Meye 87
Meyer, Bertrand (1987) ``Reusability: The Case for Object-oriented Design.'' in [Big89b] pp. 1-33.
Oman 88
Oman, Paul W. & Curtis R. Cook. (1988) ``A Paradigm for Programming Style Research.'' ACM Sigplan Notices. 23,12 pp. 69-78. December.
Prie 90
Prieto-Diaz, Ruben. (1990) ``Implementing Faceted Classification for Software Reuse.'' Proc. 12th Int'l Conf. on Software Engineering. IEEE Computer Society Press. pp. 300-304. April.
Ratc 86
Ratcliffe, M. (1986) ``Report on a Workshop on Software Reuse held in Hereford, UK on 1,2 May 1986.'' SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes. 12,1 pp. 42-47. January.
Selb 89
Selby, Richard W. (1989) ``Quantitative Studies of Software Reuse.'' in [Big89b] pp. 213-233.
Trac 88
Tracz, Will. (1988) ``Software Reuse Maxims'' ACM Sigsoft Software Engineering Notes. 13,4 pp. 28-31. October.
Whal 90
Whale, Geoff. (1990) ``Software Metrics and Plagiarism Detection.'' J. Systems Software. 13 pp. 131-138.